About Us


About Us

We are a team of experienced online marketing specialists - SEO consultants, link-builders, PPC consultants, CRO / UX consultants, e-mail specialists, PR managers, Merchant search engine managers, Social media managers and copywriters.

We want to bring you real business results, so do not expect us to come up with a very time-consuming analysis for which you will spend huge sums. We will immediately focus on the issues and priorities in your marketing mix and recommend where and how to get more customers from the internet.

Dr. Oetker
Tüv Süd
SEO Consult

Since 2008, we have been specializing in SEO - search engine optimization and PPC - setting up and managing PPC advertising. Gradually, we've learned efficacious, we offer comprehensive audits, setups, commodity search engine management, approaches to CRO - optimizing the conversion rate of the site / e-shop, PR, and content marketing. If you are starting from scratch or planning a new site, please also show us the site’s look. This way, you will be sure that your website and online marketing activities will be in sync and work for you.

If you need to expand abroad, I will be happy to assist you in internet marketing abroad (SEO, PPC).


We'll set up a working PPC ad group that will finally bring you the right customers from your paid Google search and Seznam accounts. We choose the right keywords with an ideal price / performance ratio and adjust your campaign for the long run to maximize your conversions for a minimum of resources.

  • We will launch your ads within 5 business days.
  • You will get a 1,000 CZK credit from the start.
  • You do not pay for ad displays but for a customer clicks to your site.
  • We will also help you use other advertising systems such as Etarget, RTB, Facebook Ads and more.

Why choose PPC ads with the SEO Consult team?

  1. We have been working with PPC campaigns since 2008 and are always bringing you up-to-date best practices.
  2. Your ad accounts are owned by you and you have continuous access to them.
  3. We report campaign results twice a month.
  4. If you already have PPC campaigns but are not satisfied, we will do a free PPC audit.

Prices for PPC ad setup

  1. We audit your existing PPC campaigns for free.
  2. We set up new campaigns for smaller e-shops and tradesmen: 1,800 - 3,000 CZK excluding VAT.
  3. We set up up new campaigns for websites and e-shops with a larger range of services and products: 3,000 - 5,000 CZK excluding VAT

Prices for continuous PPC ad management

PPC ad management (campaign) cost per search query: 1 000 - 4 000 CZK excluding VAT / per month. We are  happy to help small businesses and freelancers.

How do we set up and manage your PPC ad?

  1. We will create a PPC ad account or run an audit on a current account.
  2. We set up analytics (typically Google Analytics) on the target site where ads are clicked on by customers to better evaluate the campaign (links to orders) and reach potential customers coming to the site (remarketing).
  3. We will prepare a keyword analysis that will reveal the most interesting keywords that customers enter in the search line. We'll select the best value for your money for the ads.
  4. We will prepare the texts of the advertisements and we always consult with you.
  5. We put up your ads and follow  their performance. We then optimize the campaign - we will support the most popular ads and identify the less efficient ones. We will reduce the cost-per-click and higher ad relevance to get more conversions - orders, contacts, and the right customers.


Do you want to start e-mail marketing or start a professional-level e-mail and newsletter? Take advantage of our know-how. We choose the appropriate distribution software, prepare a strategy and specific graphic designs and templates. You are then able to send materials out comfortably and track the statistics.

  • MailChimp, SmartEmailing, and other spreadsheet software are available to us.
  • We choose an instrument and strategy based on the specifics of your business and customers.
  • Prepare templates for the most common types of products.
  • We will design graphics in your corporate colors or help with copywriting.

Why choose SEO Consult?

  1. We have a cross-over to many online disciplines and your e-mail marketing activity will logically follow your marketing mix.
  2. Thanks to smart strategy, we do not bother with spam, but we make appeals to customers who have already shown interest.
  3. You'll know what, how, when, and to whom to send email so that nothing is missed.
  4. We are available for consultation and editing, and we respond quickly to your wishes.

By setting up basic processes, our email work does not end. We'll train your employees to work with the distribution software and pass them on best practices in the field of targeting and copywriting so your emails do not end up in the trash and ensure that they have as high open-rate and become a stable source of attendance and profit. We will discuss your ideas and propose the ideal solution.

For a more accurate price calculation, we can offer you a non-binding consultation or call 775 646 333.

Merchant Search Engines

Do you want to reach customers through comparison shopping website such as Heureka, zbozi.cz or Google Shopping, but do not know how to get started? We will prepare XML feeds of your merchandise and manage your company profiles. Are you on the comparators already, but are not getting results? We will audit your activities, fix errors, and conduct reports to meet your business goals.

  • With SEO Consult, you will start to work effectively with these online tools.
  • We can link comparison shopping websites to other online marketing channels, such as PPC
  • You will not waste your energy nor your budget, we have already verified the best practices for you
  • From the search engines, you get the most customers who really buy.
Merchant Search Engines

Why choose SEO Consult?

  1. We have overlaps with many online disciplines and your activities will be effectively linked.
  2. It does not matter if you are a small e-shop or an online shopping gallery. We will prepare a tailor-made strategy.
  3. We will be available for queries, edits, and regular reports.
  4. Your activity on search engines will be continually optimized for the best results.


Do you need an attractive and functional website? Whether you are a fan of wordpress solutions for smaller sites and microsites, or if you need a robust e-shop or corporate website, contact us – we are website experts who also specialize in other marketing disciplines such as SEO and PPC.

  • If you have a clear idea of which kind of website and platform you want, we will help you prepare it.
  • If you are looking for an ideal solution for your website, we will advise you on how to meet your expectations to the max.
  • We will prepare everything from designing information architecture to graphics and web coding.
  • We will also provide you with related services such as hosting and internet marketing - SEO, PPC, link-building, e-mailing and shopping search engines.

At SEO Consult, we will first listen to your expectations of a new online presentation and, based on this, we will recommend a suitable solution and procedure to minimize the necessary investment while maximizing the result.

We will discuss your idea and propose an ideal solution. We will consult experts from the field with whom we regularly cooperate.

We continually consult with you on each stage of your site creation and work with your notes. We thoroughly test all sites to eliminate any and all bugs.

We will help you to promote via web marketing tools on the web.

The price for creating a website starts at CZK 10,000 excluding VAT.

For a more accurate price calculation, make use of a free estimate or call 775 646 333

Why choose SEO Consult for websites?

  1. We focus on many online disciplines, so we can create a website that works in every way.
  2. We will prepare small and large sites, depending on your vision and budget.
  3. We will recommend suitably ready-made solutions or prepare a tailor-made platform.
  4. When developing and creating a website, it's important not to err on the side of inexperience because the inexperienced team's mistake can be expensive.


Visitors have already been brought you to your site, but they do not purchase anything? Perhaps there is a bug on your site - in user-friendliness, in text or in its logic. We will help you identify these deficiencies which discourage visitors from converting and help you modify your site to meet your goals.

  • We will propose adjustments to landing pages.
  • Using A / B Tests, we find out what page layouts or texts the visitors prefer.
  • Using user testing with real people, we come to see what the problem is.
  • We will help you take steps to implement the conversion rate.

Why choose SEO Consult for CRO?

  1. We have an overlap in many online disciplines, so we can look at your site comprehensively from all sides.
  2. We've tested proven practices for you, and we'll only recommend what's really working.
  3. We'll team up with our team of experts to help you develop the full potential of your site.
  4. We will test your site by having clear data, not just impressions.

It's a shame to invest in PPC advertising or SEO when the visitor turns on the heel immediately and leaves after visiting your website. Invest in CRO so you do not spend money on the ad window and make sure your site actually converts. How does SEO Consult work?

1) We will discuss with you what problems the web site is experiencing.

2) Test it and find deficiencies or elements which to improve.

3) Modify the site based on real knowledge and experience

4) We will further evaluate the benefits of these modifications and bring you best practices from the CRO area.

The CRO price starts at 8,000 CZK excluding VAT.

For a more accurate price calculation, use a non-binding call or call 775 646 333.

Content marketing

Google is constantly striving to promote quality content which has an increasing impact on SEO. Keywords are no longer enough for a better search position. Content marketing will make your site more attractive both to users and search engines alike. Focus on content and get more customer attention. We have been involved in content marketing for many years.

  • We have been involved in Internet marketing since 2008
  • We know exactly which approaches really do work
  • We constantly track the latest trends which can be utilized to your advantage
  • We evaluate your existing content and suggest possible changes
Content marketing

Why choose SEO Consult for Content Marketing?

  1. We will create a content strategy that really works
  2. We assist you in editing your content so it's attractive to both users and search engines
  3. We will help you make the most of your site's content
  4. With compelling text, you get more customers

What do we do with content marketing?

Content marketing is nowadays an increasingly important part of SEO. First, we analyze the content of your site and suggest possible modifications. Then we create an effective content strategy and write quality and engaging texts that will attract the attention of your customers, both on the web, on  blogs, or social networks. We help you make the most of your content on the web, and we provide you with quality backlinks for you through sophisticated articles.

Reach Internet users and search engines via attractive web content.

How much does content marketing cost?

The cost of content marketing depends on the range of services and the complexity of the topic being processed. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us for a specific price offer. Small businesses and entrepreneurs are of special interest to us.

Public relations

Focusing on PR just offline is not enough nowadays. Take advantage of our many years of experience in the field of Internet-based public relations. We will inform the public about your intentions and gain the trust of your potential clients. PR is an investment that will see many returns. In addition, you pay us for results, i.e. outputs in specific media.

  • Relationships with the public affect your business.
  • Thanks to PR, you can positively influence public opinion regarding your business.
  • Use PR to get feedback.
  • PR is one of the ways to raise brand awareness.
Public relations

Why to choose SEO Consult for PR?

  1. We know how to communicate effectively with the public.
  2. We have been engaged in PR for over 9 years.
  3. We have relevant contacts.
  4. You pay for publishing in specific media.

PR or Public Relations is an integral part of an online strategy. It encompasses a series of communication activities aimed at creating and influencing public relations. It includes analytical services, internet, TV, newspapers, production, thematic areas, and internal or crisis communications.

We have been successfully communicating with potential customers, investors, journalists, suppliers, and other target groups for a number of years which allows us to help with your business. Part of PR is a well-prepared communication plan and the production of information that is further published, printed, broadcast, or otherwise publicly presented. We encourage you to promote any product or topic in order to increase public interest in your company.


If you have the right keywords selected and your site is well-suited for SEO, it's then time to build quality backlinks. Linkbuilding will help you acheive a higher position in search engines because quality backlinks from respected and thematically related sites will give your site the necessary authority.

  • Results in 2 months.
  • Guarantee of continuous traffic growth.
  • We will provide complete linkbuilding including web site communication and content preparation.
  • We assume every risk if the search engine changes the result sorting algorithm.

Why choose SEO Consult for backlinks?

  1. We have been building a quality reference profile for our clients for 7 years.
  2. Thanks to the back links, 93% of our customers received more search engine users.
  3. We send regular reviews of new backlinks, so you always know where you stand.
  4. Discount for other services.

Back links are only half of the success of search engines. First, we need an SEO friendly website, and then we begin to build its authority - and this happens with backlinks.

Imagine it as a quote - the more the site has and the better, the website acheives a higher rank in natural search results on Google, Hotmail, Bing and others. Our linkbuilders make up high-quality backlinks from specialized microsites, blogs, and thematically related websites and magazines.

We will be happy to provide you with content creation, because the most common links are obtained by placing informative articles.

The cost of making backlinks is individual and is paid in the form of a monthly fee.

Read successful case studies.

SEO management

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not a one-time issue. Web pages need to be managed on a regular (monthly) basis. Once a keyword analysis and SEO audit is done, we recommend further SEO management of your site.

  • You'll get a continuous increase in relevant traffic from search engines
  • You get hard data - detailed measurements, work results reports, and visitor statistics.
  • The web will generate regularly updated content as well as a quality-linked profile.
  • You can edit your SEO strategy based on changes to the search engine algorithm.
SEO management

Why choose SEO Consult for SEO management?

  1. We guarantee you that with SEO management you increase your site traffic and the number of orders every month.
  2. You will know exactly how we achieve the goals set in SEO management.
  3. We closely and continuously track positions in search engines and adjust our strategy.
  4. If you are not satisfied with the results, we will refund your money.

Continuous SEO management consists of monitoring positions, building quality backlinks, and creating original content. More than 93% of our customers have been able to increase their search engine traffic by tens to hundreds of percent thanks to long-term SEO management!

The ideal SEO management plan is highly individual, so first we set goals and then strategy to implement them. In regular monthly reports, we'll always explain what and why we do, and how it works.

For small eshops and narrow-focus pages 2 500 - 3 000 CZK per month.

For medium-sized eshops and pages with a wider focus 3 000 - 8 000 CZK per month.

For large projects, count on over CZK 8,000 per month.

For an accurate price calculation, use a non-binding request or call 775 646 333.
Read successful case studies.

Keyword Analysis

We will prepare a keyword analysis for your project, website, or e-shop so you can build your PPC and SEO activity on search queries that will bring you more customers and revenue. Find with us the keywords that will help you succeed on the Internet among  fierce competition.

  • Keyword analysis will choose the most appropriate keywords for your search, competition, and profitability.
  • It compares your strategy against your close competition on the Internet.
  • It serves as a resource to optimize the site and its content.
  • It saves both time and money versus trial / error.
Keyword Analysis

Why choose SEO Consult for Keyword Analysis?

  1. We advise you which words are truly profitable.
  2. Once the analysis has been completed, you will get a free month of consultation.
  3. When ordering an analysis, you get a discount on other SEO services.
  4. We guarantee satisfaction, otherwise we will return your money.

The main goal of keyword analysis is to find the most profitable and top-performing keywords and those which are not highly competitive.

We do the analysis separately for Seznam and Google search engines, because each  has a different target group looking for another type of service and product.

Keyword analysis should be the second step after the initial SEO audit, or should occur simultaneously.

For an accurate price calculation, use a non-binding request or call 775 646 333.

Read our successful case studies.

SEO audit

Discover the strengths and weaknesses of your site and see if they are attractive enough for search engines. An SEO Audit will evaluate your site from the point of view of search engine optimization both technically and in terms of content, and will show you how to make it more visible to customers in Google's natural search and list. Find out how you are doing and take the first step to optimize your search engine site.

SEO audit is provided throughout the Czech Republic, it is possible to meet face-to-face in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Liberec, Olomouc, Ústí nad Labem, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, or Pardubice.

  • An SEO Audit will bring you a comprehensive look at how to improve your site from an SEO perspective.
  • Find out what's not working, and get a suggestion of the steps for improvement.
  • We evaluate dozens of search engine optimization factors.
  • Technical on-page factors, content on-page factors as well as off-page factors, such as the site's link profile.
SEO audit

Why choose SEO Consult for SEO audit?

  1. SEO has been devoted for over 8 years and we have helped 378 projects during that time.
  2. We guarantee work results and refunds if you are not satisfied.
  3. If you entrust us with comprehensive SEO management, you will get a free keyword analysis or SEO audit.
  4. We know what search engines like, and we value valuable content and quality backlinks.

An SEO audit should be the first step if you are considering search engine optimization seriously and you do not want to shoot blindly. Only then can you effectively invest your money and increase the number of orders from customers who have come to your web or e-shop from a natural search over the long term.

The SEO Audit gives you clear instructions on how to proceed step by step from the most pressing problems to the less important ones. Avoid beginner mistakes and start your way to success on the Internet today.

The SEO audit price varies between 1,500 - 5,000 CZK excluding VAT.

For an accurate price calculation, use a non-binding call or call 775 646 333.

Search engine optimization

We'll get your site to the top positions of search engines. We will bring you new customers and increase your revenues. We offer SEO that has proven results. We offer optimization for search engines throughout the Czech Republic, and it is also possible to meet face-to-face in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Liberec, Olomouc, Ústí nad Labem, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, or Pardubice.

  • Our SEO has long-term effects.
  • We effectively target potential customers.
  • We will make your site more comprehensible and more engaging.
  • We constantly monitor the current status.
Search engine optimization

Why choose SEO optimization from SEO Consult?

  1. We only use state-of-the-art tools.
  2. Your site will really be quite visible.
  3. You only pay for proven results.
  4. We guarantee increased visits.

Website Search Engine Optimization consists of several steps that together form an effective SEO strategy: SEO Audit, Keyword Analysis, Backlinks - SEO Management.

Current status analysis - SEO audit.

Right from the beginning, we will go through your site, evaluate its current form and propose appropriate modifications. We will ascertain the current position of your site in major full-text search engines and advise you on how to address any weaknesses in the SEO audit..

Keyword analysis

Knowledge of relevant keywords (keyword analysis) is a prerequisite for effective customer targeting through web search engines. We'll create a list of the right keywords for you to use when optimizing the site for search engines.

Effective Linkbuilding - SEO Management

We will bring your website to the attention of Internet users and full-text search engines. Our goal is to create only meaningful backlinks that will bring new visitors to you while at the same time taking you to the top positions of Google or Seznam.

Content analysis of the site

We will test the usability of the site from the point of view of potential visitors and evaluate the effectiveness of the text content. By making adjustments, we ensure that the visitor will behave exactly on your website according to your wishes.

How much does SEO cost?

The price for our services depends on the level of competition in your business and the state of your site. Effective search engine optimization requires collaboration lasting at least 4-6 months.

  • For small e-shops and pages with a narrow focus 2 500 - 3 000 CZK excluding VAT per month.
  • For medium-sized e-shops and pages with a wider focus of 3,000-8,000 CZK excluding VAT per month.
  • For large projects, plan on over CZK 8,000 excluding VAT per month.

We deal with SEO not only for the Czech Republic, but also for: Slovakia, Germany, England, Austria, and France.

We'll tell you the exact price after a detailed analysis. Please send us a non-binding inquiry or call 775 646 333 in order to begin.

PPC advertising for Facebook and Instagram

PPC campaigns on social networks should definitely not be missing from your marketing mix. On Facebook and Instagram, we can reach more than half of the population of the Czech Republic, and in addition, these social networks can serve as brand and performance channels. They are a very effective marketing channel for B2B and e-shops as well. Our specialized team has been promoting on social networks since 2008, when we implemented the 1st campaign. We will design an advertising strategy for you, we will ensure the implementation of your PPC campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, and we will regularly optimize them so that they achieve the best possible results.

Nowadays, more and more companies are investing in PPC advertising on Facebook and Instagram. Today, social networks provide an ideal advertising space, from brand campaigns to lead generation. Facebook and Instagram ads tend to have fairly high conversion rates. For example, users on Facebook have learned to click on the image of a product they like and can buy it immediately.

Facebook is still the largest social network, which has no competition even in the Czech Republic and has more than 5 million active users. A big advantage is the fact that you can reach users at all stages of the buying cycle with Facebook, and it also offers very precise targeting. You can target users based on demographics, location, interests, education, etc. It's even possible to target users who have interacted with content on your Facebook page or visited your website.

In addition to Facebook, Czech companies are increasingly using Instagram as one of their marketing channels. It is also possible to promote your products and services here, since 2015, when Instagram merged with Facebook. Young people are gradually moving to Instagram, who very often prefer it to Facebook. Therefore, promotion on Instagram should definitely not be neglected, especially if you need to reach a young audience. We also handle PPC advertising on TikTok and Pinterest.

Sociální sítě

Why choose SEO Consult for Facebook and Instagram advertising?

  1. We will prepare a detailed strategy for obtaining new conversions, selling products from the e-shop, approaching potential customers and communicating with current ones.
  2. We will prepare interesting content for your Facebook pages that will interest users and directly encourage them to interact.
  3. We will set up advertising for you on Facebook and Instagram and, as part of regular optimization, we will evaluate which social network is more beneficial for your business, and we will effectively reach your target group here.
  4. We have been advertising on social networks since 2008 and have implemented hundreds of campaigns.

How it goes

    • Using paid campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, we reach relevant customers, thanks to very precise targeting and a wide range of placement options.
    • Facebook in the Czech Republic has more than 5 million active users. After news servers, this is where users spend the most time.
    • You can reach users at all stages of the buying cycle with Facebook advertising.
    • Social media campaigns are very effective and relatively inexpensive. Thanks to complete and detailed statistics, we can effectively optimize campaigns.

Management of social networks

Being visible on the right social networks is an undeniable advantage. But how do you know which ones are right for you? And how to take care of them so that the money invested in their management is not just thrown out the window? We will help you. We mainly specialize in Facebook and Instagram, we manage Tik Tok and Pinterest, we will also manage any other social networks that might make sense for you. Thanks to many years of experience in the field and following trends, we can set up your profiles on social networks in such a way that not only your reach, but especially your profit is as large as possible.

Social networks

Why choose SEO Consult for social network management?

  1. Our specialists have been working in this area since 2008, and their knowledge and experience extends to other branches of internet marketing. You will thus receive a comprehensive service.
  2. We will ensure mutual support of individual marketing channels, so the result will be a much larger profit.
  3. You'll always know what's going on. We will provide you with detailed reports on a regular basis.
  4. We will ensure not only greater reach, but also a more loyal audience and higher sales of your products and services.
  5. We will design your brand presentation style from scratch, create a publication plan, content strategy and deliver quality content.
  6. You will of course have full access to all accounts on social networks at all times.

How are we doing?

  • We will compile a long-term strategy for the use of social networks. We thoroughly analyze your business and target customer groups. We will find out what your competitive advantages are, as well as weaknesses that need to be improved.
  • We will set main and secondary goals that you can achieve through social networks.
  • We will create profiles and pages for you on Facebook, Instagram and other suitable social networks. If you already own social media accounts, we will conduct a thorough analysis of them and find opportunities to improve them.
  • We will perform a thorough in-depth analysis of your competition. We will reveal its strengths and weaknesses and propose a strategy to overcome it.
  • We will ensure the regular publication of quality and original content that your visitors will be happy to share.
  • We will inform you about everything that will happen on your social networks using regular and detailed reports, so you will always have an overview.

Price list

How much does social media management cost?

The price always depends on the range of services. We are happy to accommodate both larger companies and small businesses and entrepreneurs.

It is not necessary to make a long-term commitment, you can end the cooperation at any time with a notice period of 1 month.

For an accurate price calculation, please call 775 646 333.

Internet marketing abroad

We have been providing our clients with successful internet marketing since 2008 – and we will take care of you, too, wherever your field of activity is in Europe. We focus on internet marketing, including creating online strategies, SEO and PPC advertising. We will arrange for your website to appear in the top search positions in the given locations.

Internet marketing abroad

Why choose SEO Consult for internet marketing abroad?

  1. Our specialists have been working in this field since 2008.
  2. Their knowledge and experience extends to other branches of internet marketing. You will thus receive comprehensive service.
  3. We constantly follow the latest trends and use the most modern tools.
  4. We set measurable and achievable goals and know what internet marketing procedures really work.
  5. We will regularly send you a detailed report and consult with you on further steps.
  6. We will create an effective online marketing strategy for you, including SEO and PPC advertising.

How it goes

  • We will comprehensively take care of your internet marketing abroad.
  • We focus on results. It is important to us that our online strategy brings you profit.
  • We will set up analytics on your website to track the success of your online strategy.
  • We will make sure that your website appears in the top search positions in the given locations.

We will create an effective online marketing strategy for you, including SEO and PPC advertising.

We do not make ridiculous promises, but set measurable and realistically achievable goals. We will regularly inform you about the results of individual steps. Your PPC campaigns will run exclusively on your own account, which we will gladly set up for you. We will also focus on content strategy, which is an increasingly important part of SEO. We are always at your disposal, your satisfaction is our first priority - and know that with us these are not just empty clichés.

How much does internet marketing abroad cost?

The price for this service depends on many factors. We are happy to accommodate both larger companies and small businesses and entrepreneurs.

For an accurate price calculation, please use the non-binding inquiry or call 775 646 333.

PPC advertising for Facebook and Instagram

PPC campaigns on social networks should definitely not be missing from your marketing mix. On Facebook and Instagram, we can reach more than half of the population of the Czech Republic, and in addition, these social networks can serve as brand and performance channels. They are a very effective marketing channel for B2B and e-shops as well. Our specialized team has been promoting on social networks since 2008, when we implemented the 1st campaign. We will design an advertising strategy for you, we will ensure the implementation of your PPC campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, and we will regularly optimize them so that they achieve the best possible results.

Nowadays, more and more companies are investing in PPC advertising on Facebook and Instagram. Today, social networks provide an ideal advertising space, from brand campaigns to lead generation. Facebook and Instagram ads tend to have fairly high conversion rates. For example, users on Facebook have learned to click on the image of a product they like and can buy it immediately.

Facebook is still the largest social network, which has no competition even in the Czech Republic and has more than 5 million active users. A big advantage is the fact that you can reach users at all stages of the buying cycle with Facebook, and it also offers very precise targeting. You can target users based on demographics, location, interests, education, etc. It's even possible to target users who have interacted with content on your Facebook page or visited your website.

In addition to Facebook, Czech companies are increasingly using Instagram as one of their marketing channels. It is also possible to promote your products and services here, since 2015, when Instagram merged with Facebook. Young people are gradually moving to Instagram, who very often prefer it to Facebook. Therefore, promotion on Instagram should definitely not be neglected, especially if you need to reach a young audience. We also handle PPC advertising on TikTok and Pinterest.

PPC advertising for Facebook and Instagram

Why choose SEO Consult for Facebook and Instagram advertising?

  1. We will prepare a detailed strategy for obtaining new conversions, selling products from the e-shop, approaching potential customers and communicating with current ones.
  2. We will prepare interesting content for your Facebook pages that will interest users and directly encourage them to interact.
  3. We will set up advertising for you on Facebook and Instagram and, as part of regular optimization, we will evaluate which social network is more beneficial for your business, and we will effectively reach your target group here.
  4. We have been advertising on social networks since 2008 and have implemented hundreds of campaigns.

How it goes

  • Using paid campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, we reach relevant customers, thanks to very precise targeting and a wide range of placement options.
  • Facebook in the Czech Republic has more than 5 million active users. After news servers, this is where users spend the most time.
  • You can reach users at all stages of the buying cycle with Facebook advertising.
  • Social media campaigns are very effective and relatively inexpensive. Thanks to complete and detailed statistics, we can effectively optimize campaigns.


Management of social networks

Being visible on the right social networks is an undeniable advantage. But how do you know which ones are right for you? And how to take care of them so that the money invested in their management is not just thrown out the window? We will help you. We mainly specialize in Facebook and Instagram, we manage Tik Tok and Pinterest, we will also manage any other social networks that might make sense for you. Thanks to many years of experience in the field and following trends, we can set up your profiles on social networks in such a way that not only your reach, but especially your profit is as large as possible.

Management of social networks

Why choose SEO Consult for social network management?

  1. Our specialists have been working in this area since 2008, and their knowledge and experience extends to other branches of internet marketing. You will thus receive a comprehensive service.
  2. We will ensure mutual support of individual marketing channels, so the result will be a much larger profit.
  3. You'll always know what's going on. We will provide you with detailed reports on a regular basis.
  4. We will ensure not only greater reach, but also a more loyal audience and higher sales of your products and services.
  5. We will design your brand presentation style from scratch, create a publication plan, content strategy and deliver quality content.
  6. You will of course have full access to all accounts on social networks at all times.

How are we doing?

  • We will compile a long-term strategy for the use of social networks. We thoroughly analyze your business and target customer groups. We will find out what your competitive advantages are, as well as weaknesses that need to be improved.
  • We will set main and secondary goals that you can achieve through social networks.
  • We will create profiles and pages for you on Facebook, Instagram and other suitable social networks. If you already own social media accounts, we will conduct a thorough analysis of them and find opportunities to improve them.
  • We will perform a thorough in-depth analysis of your competition. We will reveal its strengths and weaknesses and propose a strategy to overcome it.
  • We will ensure the regular publication of quality and original content that your visitors will be happy to share.
  • We will inform you about everything that will happen on your social networks using regular and detailed reports, so you will always have an overview.

Price list

How much does social media management cost?

The price always depends on the range of services. We are happy to accommodate both larger companies and small businesses and entrepreneurs.

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